
東京大学文学部 美学芸術学科特別講義 2007年夏

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Chapter 7 The rule of the relation Human being & Specter - parts

1 Origins of human architecture
- Origins of proportional theory
a, Vitruvius b, Vignola c,Jay Hanbidge
d, Ernst Mossel e, Corbusier

2 The beginning of specter architecture
- Hiroshi Hara’s partial theory “What is the architectural architecture”
Integrity developed by Corbusier
Function to individuate and integrate each part
3 Specter “ Le Corbusier”
- Declaration of specter architecture

4 Kaan's order
5 Analysis of specter
6 Specter like human being
- Sakaushi’s window theory
House with Ribbon Window #1, #2, #3