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Contemporary Danish Architecture
The architecture of Denmark has throughout the 20th century been strongly grounded in the modernistic tradition combined with a special Nordic approach. However, in the past 10 years the Danish architectural scene has been challenged by the emergence of a number of architectural studios, led by younger architects who are been inspired by the new Dutch architecture. This “new wave” of Danish architecture is characterized by a pragmatic approach, a joy for the architectural design and use of strong concepts for the architecture.
The lecture will take its outset from this new departure for the contemporary Danish architecture and show some examples of the new wave in Danish architecture - with BIG, as the most internationally renowned architectural studio. The lecture will show current works by COBE, NORD and Transform, but also include examples of the Danish architecture outside the new wave, among others Lundgaard Tranberg, Henning Larsen Architects, 3XN and Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter.


