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That's an ineteliglnt answer to a difficult question xxx

I'm impressed by your writing. Are you a professional or just very knolewdgeable?

This is my favorite chapter too. At least it is the only one that I vividly remember. It is so tense. I can't help but read it all the way through and not stop even for a second. Gollum is just so creepy. There was a really amazing picture of Gollum in my Russian edition. I hope I can actually manage to post it here. <img src="; alt="Gollum" border="1" height="300"/>

Basicaly the width and height is determined by the dimensions of the images used for the transition effect. You can create a new image with different dimensions and supply this for the effect or try setting the width and height of the container explicitly but this might give unpredictable results.

Thank you for your clear explanation of Original Source v.s. Deriviative Source definition. I certainly agree that a modification of definitions is needed for genealogists.Your information is most helpful.Thank you!
